• Strictly probihited to take (read: steal) any EYE MUSE official photos on HQ website / FB / IG because those pictures are logged for copyrights. Thus, if you get caught, HQ will file lawsuit for copyright infringement & may not allow you to sell their brand anymore
  • Pictures to advertise available in this drive: PICTURE GALLERY, so no need to ask for my permission everytime
  • Some pictures will come together with watermark ‘lens by @dayya.h or #teamdayya’, so please add your own watermark on the pictures so that cust can contact you directly
  • Do not conceal/erase/hide HQ or dayya.h lens watermark
  • Some pictures are not available for certain designs, so you are encouraged to do your own review or collect feedback from your customer
  • Before advertise or publish the picture, once again I would like to remind you please put your own watermark because too many agents from same brand / other competitor brands out there may steal your picture
  • Do not steal picture from other agents as they are under CANDY MUSE GROUP too (thus, if those agents complaint directly to HQ about your act, your dropship membership may be revoked)

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